Save Our Heritage

Protecting the Birthplace of the American Revolution,

the cradle of the Environmental Movement,

and the Home of the American Literary Renaissance


Library of Reference Materials

The Hanscom Field Master Plan

The official and only policy document of Massport regarding Hanscom Field.  At different public meetings, Massport has stated this is their policy regarding Hanscom Field.

SOH White Paper on Economic Impacts of Hanscom Field

A review of the claims made regarding the economic benefits of Hanscom Field shows that they are overstated

SOH White Paper on Aviation Sales Tax exemption

A discussion of the loophole exempting private luxury aviation from sales taxes in Massachusetts

SOH White Paper on Noise Impacts of Hanscom Field

A discussion of the appropriate noise metrics for assessment of impacts at Hanscom Field.

FAA Noise Abatement Policy 2000 

The FAA's recent clarification on their plans to bulldoze america and ignore the will of the American people.

Federal Section 106 Regulations on Protection of Historic Properties

The Federal Regulations which are intended to protect Historic Properties from destruction

FAA Environmental Rules Change

Proposed changes to FAA environmental procedures. Massive document reveals continued plans to eliminate all environmental regulation of airports.

Stage 4 Congressional hearings, October 2000

US Congressional hearings regarding Stage 4 and the ICAO, a summary

FAR Part 150

Federal Airline Regulations regarding Noise measurement

Winthrop Health Study

A study regarding the health effects of Logan Airport

Noise Workgroup Report

Report of the Hanscom Field Noise Workgroup

Aviation Noise Effects

A 1985 FAA analysis which serves as the foundation for many current policies

Legal History of Aviation Noise

A superb writeup of the legal history of aviation noise.

Lawsuits against airports, avigational easements and inverse condemnation lawsuits

Another great writeup of the legal background involving aviation impacts and the legal issues involving airspace ownership 

Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990

The legislation that took away all the rights of states or airport owners to control aviation noise.

Four Town's Warrant Article on Hanscom Field

The 1997 Concord warrant article expressing planning objectives for Hanscom Field. Lincoln, Lexington, and Bedford passed nearly identical articles.

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