Save Our Heritage

Protecting the Birthplace of the American Revolution,

the cradle of the Environmental Movement,

and the Home of the American Literary Renaissance


Jan, 2010: Massport informs communities of intent to demolish historic hangar 24 at Hanscom Airport.

The Massachusetts Port Authority held a public meeting where they informed the communities of their intent to demolish historic hangar 24 at Hanscom Airport.

In a filled meeting hall, citizens, local selectmen, state representatives Cory Atkins and Jay Kaufman, and representatives of congressmen Tsongas and Markey expressed concerns about the process, the lack of concern for impact on the historic sites and local community, and the lack of justification for Massport's continued expansion plans at Hanscom Airport.

The site, formerly a research site for Draper Laboratory and MIT Lincoln Laboratory,  has been discussed as a potential location for a Massachusetts Aerospace and Technology Museum.

The rich historic significance of the site was described at the town meeting in a video and also in a very informative presentation about the remarkable history of the site.(pdf file link)


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